Politics · TV

“Women need flexible schedules so they can make dinner.” -Mitt Romney

When asked about gender equity, Romney offered that he was working to solve gender equity because one of his female staffers said to him, “I need to be able to get home at 5 o’clock so I can be there for making dinner for my kids…”

Of course, in real life, most women don’t want gender equity in the workplace so that they can cook dinner on time for their families. I’m sorry, but that’s flat-out offensive. Last I checked, men could also cook and clean.

5 thoughts on ““Women need flexible schedules so they can make dinner.” -Mitt Romney

  1. Then why else did I rush home tonight? I wouldn’t have had kids if I didn’t intend to cook for them. I don’t get how his comments were offensive. He did not say anything about cleaning. The notion of flex time is becoming a political issue. As women become more and more successful they are asking for it.

  2. I find his comment very offensive. First, not all women are mothers. Not all women are ever going to be mothers. Second, you seem to miss Tahesha’s point regarding why it is always a woman’s job to cook and clean? Why can’t there be more equity in who is responsible to “get home early.” Also, there are single fathers who have to get home to cook for their children but no one is suggesting they get paid less just because they have outside responsibilities. Finally, the question was about equal pay for equal work. He never answered that question. Women deserve equal pay for equal work. Period.

  3. “He never answered that question. Women deserve equal pay for equal work. Period.” You are absolutely right Kara! Women from all types of backgrounds and economic levels are outraged because all we want is to be paid equal for the same job. We want to make our own health care decisions. Also, we don’t want others pushing their own agenda onto us when it comes to our reproductive rights.

    And you also bring up a good point about single fathers who have to get home for their children as well.

    I think as a working mom I have learned (not completely) how to balance work and motherhood. It’s not always easy but there has to be a joint effort. I cannot always be home at 5 to fix a meal so my husband has to chip in and help on certain days. I don’t think it should be the mother’s sole responsibility cook meals and work full time as well it should be shared.

  4. This is a great weblog over here. I think I’ll visit your website more if you post more of this kind of specific information. Thanks a lot for posting this information. Women do need to be home more!

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