Ged Organized · Good Ideas

Time Management Tips for Busy Moms

time management moms

Plan for the Mornings, the Evening Before
Take out the uniforms or clothes for next day, make sure that backpacks are packed and placed at the door or their assigned spot, and that lunchboxes are clean and if possible, packed as well.

If you drive the kids to school, make sure you’ve put your car keys, cellphone and wallet with the driver’s license in it, on the table in the foyer or any other place where you can see it easily.

Use technology to your advantage.
Treat your cellphone like a personal assistant, Jordano suggests. It can help you find online menus for quick meals while shuttling kids to activities, or pay bills while your car is being repaired, Huber says. Jordano’s students also shop online or use monthly services for home delivery of diapers and other bulk items.

If you’re looking for more time in your day, consider cutting out some sneaky time-suckers from your day.

Negative friendships
Whether it’s the annoying mom “friend” who always has to one-up you or the nosy neighbor that always prods about the way you raise your kids, toxic relationships have no place in your busy world. Slowly distance yourself from people in your life who are not uplifting, positive influences. One-sided friendships and relationships that leave you feeling worn out are stealing too much of your valuable time.

Stressing about everything from what you’re going to make for dinner to getting all the bills paid on time will leave you in a frenzied state 24/7. Constant worrying is not only futile, it’s exhausting! Make a list of “concerns” (try to avoid calling them worries) and figure out a way to tackle them instead of letting them take over your mind (and your life!). For bigger issues (such as those annoying and ever-present bills), talk to your partner to reach a no-worry solution together.

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